Grieving as a funeral director
It’s been 1 year, 10 months and 17 days since my mom took her last breath. For most people holidays are a joyous time but for people who are grieving, it's a reminder of what once was and what will never be the same again. Thanksgiving will always be the last holiday I had with my mom and all of my siblings. Christmas Eve will always be the day I prepared my mom for her funeral. Her death has changed me in a profound way. I will never be the same person I was before December 21, 2019. I have and will continue to grieve the loss of my mom, probably until the day I die myself. When someone dies, as human beings we may try to comfort the grieving to say, “It will get better,” “Time will heal,” “You will move on.” Life does continue on and that part is very much true but grief isn’t a wound that gradually heals, it’s an amputation of a limb and you will find a new way to live but it will look very different and there’s a...