Dear ______

I decided to write an open letter to all of my family and friends (the ones I still have) after thinking about my lack of existence in their lives; mostly during times where I am juggling numerous death calls/funeral arrangements at once. 

Here are 10 things I would like you to know:

1. I may ignore you but I'm not avoiding you
If you've tried to call or text and aren't getting through, trust me, I've most likely received your message but I was in the middle of something at the moment.  When I'm not in that moment, I'm probably in the middle of taking care of something else. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you... 3 years from now?

2. My life does not operate during normal "work hours"
Remember the plans we made six weeks ago to have dinner on the second Tuesday of this month and I responded with, "if no one dies," yeah it sounds kind of funny but really, there's a possibility I won't be there.

3. Priorities matter, until they don't
I can say with all my heart that my son and family come first but then there's this thing called a job which I need to provide a living and so if it comes down to it; I will work to support my family.  Holidays, vacations, special celebrations.. yes I would love to be at all of them but it's pretty much i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e.

4. I'm sorry
Really I am.  I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you and I'm sorry I may have let our relationship go on a down hill slide.  I'm sorry I keep saying we need to get together and I'm sorry I don't ever initiate these get togethers.  I'm sorry I don't visit more and I'm sorry I always have to leave. I'm sorry because I am very much needed and it is out of my control.

5. I have many sacrifices
I chose this route in my life and I know what it entails.  To my family and friends, please understand I give up a lot to do what I love but in turn it also reaps many rewards.

6. Sometimes I need alone time too
Yes, I finally have a day of freedom and would like to spend it speaking to no one..sounds logical right?!?  When you work with the public there are times all you want is a minute to yourself.  I like my pajamas and HGTV.  I know you invited me out for drinks but that involves socializing and wearing pants.

7. Sometimes I need to be surrounded by people more
Wait what?!? You just said you need to be alone and now you want to be around a bunch of people again.  Yes, the people who care about me.  It's nice to have those times too.  When you're wore out from a hell of a long week it's easier to just shut everyone out but it can be a nice reminder of who I have in my corner to get together and share some good laughs.

8. Please don't give up on me
There will be times you're fed up because I've taken a rain check for us to hangout for the 3rd time now or cancelled plans last minute and now, why would you invite me in the first place...but please continue to.

9. I'm human
 I make mistakes and I will put my own foot in my mouth probably 100 times.  My job may seem creepy or weird to you but I work really hard to be someone worth knowing and someone worth admiring.

10. I'm still here
Trust me when I say you're still in my thoughts and on my mind, even if from a distance.  I am still rooting for your happiness and I am still grateful to have such wonderful family members/friends in my life.


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